The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has hit out at the alcohol industry, saying self-regulation has failed and that the Government should establish a Federal Inquiry into alcohol marketing in Australia.


In releasing the new Alcohol Marketing and Young People: Time for a new policy agenda, AMA President Steve Hambleton said that alcohol marketing to young people was at unprecedented levels and that more must be done to curtain growing dangerous levels of drinking in young people.


“Alcohol marketing is a pervasive and dangerous presence in the lives of our young people,” Dr Hambleton said.


“Young people are starting to drink at an earlier age, and most drink in ways that put their health at risk.


“But the current voluntary industry-administered approach to marketing regulation has failed to stem the growth and impact of alcohol marketing in Australia.


“Our report examines the evidence base that links alcohol marketing to harmful drinking patterns among young people.


“We have surveyed the key features of contemporary alcohol marketing, reviewed the research literature on the effects of this marketing on young people, and concluded that there is a need for new and more robust policy responses.


The report argues that the diversification of alcohol marketing is becoming increasingly ubiquitous through all mediums such as billboards, television and , increasingly, social media.



Mr Hambleton argues for the establishment of stricter governing guidelines of alcohol marketing, saying that an increasing body of research suggests that marketing has a large impact on what age people start to consume alcohol.


The Full report can be found here