Researchers at Melbourne’s Murdoch Children’s Research Institute have announced a research breakthrough that could revolutionise the treatment of arthritis.


Doctors at the institute discovered a gene that causes a particularly severe form of the disease which, if found within other strains of the disease, could lead to a major treatment breakthrough.


The gene discovered by the researchers act as a “gate” which controls the delivery of calcium into cells, making it vital for cartilage function.


"If we could increase the function of the gate, then maybe we could reverse or prevent the process of arthritis - it's a big first step in drug development,” Victorian Clinical Genetics Services Professor Ravi Savarirayan said


By studying members of a Victorian family severe form of a rare strain of hand osteoarthritis, the researchers discovered a faulty gene called TRPV4.


"This Victorian family could help people all over the world with very common forms of osteoarthritis," Prof Savarirayan said.