Experts to aid amorousness for all
Australia’s disability support systems need to help people with disability to have active sex lives, and a new Victorian project could be the first step.
Deakin University researcher Dr Russell Shuttleworth says the need for facilitated sex support is often ignored by disability services and policy makers.
“Some people with disability may need assistance from their paid carers or support workers in order to express themselves sexually or participate in sexual activities [known as ‘facilitated sex’],” Dr Shuttleworth explains.
“Currently in Australia, the need for this kind of assistance is ignored by disability services and those who make policy.
“While Victoria is relatively progressive, developing sexuality and disability policy guidelines in 2006, these do not explicitly address facilitated sex.
“Therefore, as in most other contexts, this practice has been left to individuals with a disability and their support workers to negotiate between themselves.
“Rigorous and systematic research is necessary in order to ensure coherent policy guidelines are developed that address both the concerns of people with disability and the support workers that assist them in their daily lives.”
Dr Shuttleworht has formed a team to carry out a survey that aims to speak to 20 Victorian adults with physical disabilities and support workers.
They want to ask them about the kind of assistance that they need, such as help to prepare for sexual activity, to have sex with a partner or to masturbate.
They will also investigate the barriers to negotiating facilitated sex and the ethical concerns that people with disability have with their reliance on support workers to assist with sexual expression.
The ground breaking nature of this research cannot be understated, according to co-researcher Dr George Taleporos.
“As a disability rights advocate and sex researcher, I know that this topic has been ignored for far too long and it’s time that government and service providers recognise the sexual needs of people with disability and develop informed policy and practice in this area,” Dr Taleporos said.
“Failure to do so only serves to force this topic underground, where the risks of exploitation and abuse of both people with disability and support workers are increased.”