Three Western Australian nurses and midwives have each been awarded a $20,000 fellowship to fund research projects that will be aimed at improving patient care in Western Australia.


The fellowships, announced by the state’s Nursing and Midwifery Office,  have been awarded to

  • Fenella Gill, Paediatric Intensive Care Unit Nurse Educator, Child and Adolescent Health Service – Helen Bailey Fellowship
  • Ce Kealley, Clinical Nurse Manager Peri operative Services, Kaleeya Hospital – Margaret J O Watson Fellowship
  • Sarah Nicholls, Registered Midwife, Kaleeya Maternity Hospital – Midwifery Fellowship

"The awards provide a wonderful opportunity for recipients to further their studies, and improve nursing and midwifery education and practice in Western Australia," said Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer, Catherine Stoddart.  


Fenella Gill was awarded the Helen Bailey Fellowship for her proposal of an evidence based study in critical care nursing standards of practice and outcomes for course graduates.


The Margaret J O Watson Fellowship, awarded to individuals who showcase innovations and vision for the professions, was given to Ce Kealley for a comparative study of the perceived efficacy of the graduate nurse transition programs in WA.


Sarah Nicholls was awarded the Midwifery Fellowship for a qualitative study exploring the perception of confidence in midwives facilitating water births in Western Australia.


Ms Stoddart said it was important that nurses and midwives were recognised and financially supported for their further studies.


"Nurses and midwives are a cornerstone for health care in all settings in our community. I hope WA nurses and midwives feel inspired by the achievements of these three individuals," she said.

For further information on fellowships offered by the Nursing and Midwifery Office, call 9222 4075 or visit