Health Workforce Australia (HWA) has called for qualified consultants and contractors to submit a tender to undertake a case study on the delivery of the HWA Workforce Innovation and Reform: Caring for Older People (CFOP) program as part of the HWA’s planned national program in workforce reform.


The HWA has requires the successful applicant to identify core requirements in future reform, including:

  • demonstrating what does and does not work;
  • identifying gaps in knowledge;
  • encouraging emergent ‘best practice’;
  • determining what should become accepted best practice (including lessons learnt and critical success factors) in delivering workforce innovation and robust outcomes in a national context; and
  • contributing to the national and international knowledge in this area of practice.


The case study will involve consultations with both HWA internal and external stakeholders to the CFOP and extensive review of available information sources and documentation.


The HWA has identified that the complexity of the reform subject has meant that preference will be given to domestic and international applicants relevant to the area of aged care, health care and ageing workforces. However, contractual agreements will only be entered into with Australian organizations or individuals.


All applications must be made by 15 June, the application form can be downloaded directly via the HWA website here


Expressions of interest can be sent directly to the HWA at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.