MyHospital website to show staph infection rates
Rates of hospital-associated Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (SAB) infections are now being published on the MyHospitals website, where individual hospital performance in SAB management will be compared to a national average.
SAB is a serious bloodstream infection, often resistant to antibiotic treatment, associated with hospital care—in particular, surgical and other invasive procedures.
SAB rates are presented on the MyHospitals website using ‘speed-dials’ which compare an individual hospital’s performance against the national benchmark. The number of SAB cases is also shown.
‘This is an effective way for Australians to see, at a glance, how their local hospital compares to the national benchmark, when it comes to rates of this serious but potentially preventable infection,’ AIHW CEO and Director, David Kalisch, said
The information presented on the MyHospitals website is consistent with state and territory SAB data to be published in the forthcoming Report on Government Services 2012 and the National Healthcare Agreement: performance report for 2010–11.
The AIHW is currently working with the Australian Government and state and territory governments on further enhancements to the MyHospitals website. Over time, hospital readmission rates will also be included on the website.
MyHospitals is an Australian Government initiative to inform the community about hospitals, by making it easier for people to access information about how individual hospitals are performing. The website is available