The National Health and Medical Research Council will conduct a scientific forum into investigating the possible effects of wind turbines on health and will hear the latest international scientific evidence and engage with stakeholders over the range of issues for which there is public concern.


In 2009 NHMRC conducted a rapid review of current scientific literature to determine whether there was a link between wind turbines and adverse health effects. The review considered the potential health impacts of infrasound, noise, electromagnetic interference, shadow flicker and blade glint produced by wind turbines and concluded that, at the time of writing, there was no published scientific evidence to positively link wind turbines with adverse health effects.


Residents living close to wind farms have raised concerns about potential adverse health impacts from wind turbines including nausea, headaches, anxiety and sleep and learning difficulties.


The forum will be webcast from 8:45am Tuesday 7 June. Visit the NMHMRC website to watch the broadcast.