NZ to move on plain packaging laws
New Zealanders will soon be joining their trans-Tasman brothers in rolling out plain packaging for tobacco laws under legislation proposed by the New Zealand Government.
The announcement comes after the Government agreed to an ‘in-principle’ plan to introduce the plain packaging regime last year with Australia, pending the outcome of a public consultation period which closed in October 2012.
In announcing the decision to legislate for plain packaging, Associate Minister of Health Hon Tariana Turia said the consultation process generated a lot of interest and the written submissions provided useful information to inform Cabinet’s decision-making. Ultimately, Cabinet is satisfied that plain packaging is an important tool to improve the health of New Zealanders.
“While opinions were divided, with many smokers and tobacco retailers expressing opposition, overall the consultation process confirmed that plain packaging will be an effective means of reducing the appeal of smoking and removing the impression that tobacco may be less harmful than it is,” Ms Turia said.
“The evidence from experimental studies, marketing experts and the tobacco industry’s own documents is overwhelming. We cannot continue to allow tobacco companies to use sophisticated packaging designs to promote their products as if they were ordinary everyday consumer goods.”