Owler to detail health issues and improvements
AMA President Professor Brian Owler says he will soon set out priorities to strengthen the Australian health system, helping it cope with growing demand.
Professor Owler will address the National Press Club in Canberra on July 22, outlining the practical, affordable, and achievable policies and actions that the AMA believes will best serve the health needs of the Australian population.
There are plenty of big gaps and missteps in Australia’s health legislation and delivery, including the ongoing freeze on Medicare patient rebates, public hospital funding cuts, Indigenous health, medical workforce training, and the Government’s review of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).
Professor Owler is expected to give an expert response and potentially damning review of these major issues currently confronting the health system.
Anyone wishing to attend can apply to do so at the NPC’s website, here.
The address will also be streamed by ABC News, accessible here.