The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for vigilance as an antibiotic-resistant superbug spreads.

Researchers at the Florey Institute have discovered a potential link between prenatal exposure to the chemical BPA and autism in boys.

A new analysis shows some screen time can be beneficial for a child’s psychological development.

Victoria has announced an additional $1.5 billion investment in the state's health system, and scrapped plans to amalgamate hospitals.

Unions have called for 10 days of paid reproductive leave to support women during menopause.

Common blood tests can aid in early cancer detection and guide referral strategies.

The NSW Government has announced a parliamentary inquiry to investigate the impacts of pornography on young people.

Experts say they uncovered a hidden Australian skin cancer epidemic.

The Albanese Government has unveiled its initial response to the Disability Royal Commission ...

A new study shows that while prevention is better than cure, it is also less well funded.

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