Archived News for Health Sector Professionals
Once-a-week insulin injections could soon become a reality for diabetes patients.
Menopause missing in GP school
An official inquiry has found menopause is still a mystery to many doctors, but medical schools can fill the gap.
Big aged care changes outlined
Sweeping aged care reforms promise better support but potentially higher costs.
Cancer question studied
Researchers say that a debate over the role of radiotherapy in treating gastric and gastro-esophageal cancer has been resolved.
Eye transplant shows response
The world's first whole eye transplant has shown promising response to light.
Nurse talks open
The Australian Government has opened a public consultation for its National Nursing Workforce Strategy.
Nurses strike in pay fight
NSW nurses and midwives have held a statewide strike demanding a 15 per cent pay increase.
Swan Hill hires new guards
A Victorian hospital is the latest to boost security amid rising patient aggression and violence.
Genetic discrimination addressed
Australia is banning life insurers from using genetic test results to determine coverage.
Aged care superbugs studied
Superbugs are spreading in aged care homes due to overuse of antibiotics.
Billions aimed at violence
National Cabinet has agreed to a $4.7 billion plan to tackle the growing crisis of family and gender-based violence.
Heart harm timeline plotted
New research reveals that heart damage from COVID-19 often stabilises after hospitalisation.
HIV rise amid broader slide
Despite a recent rise, HIV diagnoses in Australia have shown a steady decline over the past decade.
Semaglutide death risk reviewed
A major weight loss drug could lower the risk of death from heart disease, infections, and even COVID-19.
Survey shows injecting acceptance
A majority of Australians now support supervised injecting facilities, according to new research.