The Sun Smart program which told us all to Slip, Slop, Slap to reduce the rates of skin cancer, seems to have worked.

A Senate committee has recommended authorities relax maintenance requirements for aircraft involved in medical charity flights.

A Melbourne council has dropped all charges against a catering business that was shut down over a slug in its kitchen.

Three scientists have been jointly awarded a Nobel Prize for their discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to different oxygen levels.

Authorities in the US have added to their tally of vaping-related illnesses.

Stats show the move to prescription-only codeine in Australia has seen a 50 percent reduction in the monthly rate of codeine-related poisoning calls.

The National Home Doctor Service is being investigated over its doctors' Medicare billing.

The federal government has announced $3 million for studies into how cannabis can be used to help treat cancer pain and other side effects.

A paralysed man has used a four-limb exoskeleton controlled by his brain to walk once more.

School-based sex education programs may not be keeping up with technology, experts say.

Experts have slammed the Federal Government’s plan to drug test welfare recipients.

Mental illness costs the Australian economy $60 billion a year, stats show.

Human embryos have given a new glimpse of our evolutionary history.

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