European nations have signed a 400 million dose vaccine deal.

The Federal Health Minister says Australia's COVID-19 studies could make it a leader in future medical research and clinical trials.

The AMA says COVID-19 lockdowns have prevented thousands of flu cases.

Australian researchers are looking at the immune cells that accumulate within tumours.

Families in regional and rural NSW have been receiving virtual parenting support from researchers at UNSW Sydney.

The former boss of Australia's largest public hospital service will face corruption charges in Queensland.

An expert review has found Australia already had “more than enough” COVID-19 capacity before the Federal Government spent $200 million on Andrew Forrest’s tests.

Computer scientists are using artificial intelligence to measure staff comfort and concentration at work.

Scientists have turned human cells transparent.

The Victorian Government has announced Melbourne will receive its second safe injecting room – much to the consternation of some locals.

Scientists have grown skin with hair in the lab.

The Federal Government has put up $13.6 million for 10 clinical trials of cancer treatments.

The number of tests for vitamin D deficiency is on the rise.

Experts have launched a survey to see how Australian pre-schoolers are coping with COVID-19.

Contractors have been jailed over fraud involving a WA health service.

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