The Commonwealth has issued an update on its ongoing COVID-19 inquiry.

Dogs have been trained to detect trauma stress by smelling humans’ breath.

A new study predicts that by 2050, 76 per cent of countries will experience fertility rates below that required to maintain their population.

Experts say many AI tools lack adequate safeguards to prevent mass health disinformation.

Bill Shorten has announced plans for a new, more sustainable NDIS within five years.

A WA Auditor General's report on sports spending has raised pork-barrelling allegations.

Gene editing technology has been used to test a potential HIV cure.

Experts have criticised a new UN climate change plan that fails to account for meat-eating.

Surgeons in the US have transplanted a gene-edited pig kidney into a patient.

Scientists and industry leaders are pushing for action on clean indoor air.

Building a sense of community could be key to improving people’s mental health, particularly in low socio-economic suburbs.

The Federal Government has announced a new taskforce to crack down on overcharging of NDIS participants.

Over 100 world leaders have voiced their support for the finalisation of the ‘Pandemic Accord’.

New figures suggest Australia saw a decline in opioid after PBS policy changes.

Nearly four years since the COVID-19 pandemic's peak, Australian state and territory governments are still chasing down over $70 million in unpaid hotel quarantine fees.

A new classification of tuberculosis could support efforts to eliminate the disease.

Researchers are working on a potentially revolutionary new device for kidney disease testing.

CSIRO has appointed its new Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness Director.

Experts say patient-paramedic trust can help free up emergency departments.

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has awarded aged care workers a wage increase of up to 28.5 per cent.

A new study finds global life expectancy declined by 1.6 years during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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