Australian researchers have discovered a key aspect of natural cell death.

The EU is imposing tougher cyber security rules for energy facilities and other key sectors.

New stats suggest one in 150 Australians have retinal scars caused by the Toxoplasma parasite.

Government funding is fast-tracking development of a new technology to precisely image aggressive brain cancers and guide treatment.

German research suggests the seasonal flu might be a direct descendant of the 1918 ‘Spanish flu’.

New and updated recommendations for stroke management have been published.

Experts have run a survey on the contentious issue of what older people think about voluntary assisted death (VAD), regardless of any health condition.

Wollongong is set to have Australia’s first hospital for women with trauma caused by domestic and sexual violence.

Experts say night shifts are linked to worse health in women as they age.

Figures have been released showing the enormous strain on the Victorian health system caused by the COVID-19 omicron wave.

The WHO says COVID-19 has led to almost 15 million extra deaths.

Questions have been raised about how Aspen Medical was able to secure $1 billion in government PPE contracts...

Australian researchers have developed customised circuit boards to help encourage STEM knowledge...

New research suggests the shape of a person’s face could affect how aggressive they look.

The states and territories are pushing federal politicians over public hospital funding.

Victoria's election-year state budget has been released.

A new, microscopic imaging device could allow diagnosis of diseases on a smartphone.

Australian researchers are working on a new antimicrobial coating to improve implants.

Experts say drones have transformed blood delivery in Rwanda.

Fungal meningitis appears to spread by blocking and bursting blood vessels.

Climate change is predicted to increase the transmission of viruses from animals to humans.

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